Our Mission
"At Performance Recovery Therapy, our team is driven by united passion to help others achieve their personal peak performance while creating longevity through state-of-the-art recovery methods. We are committed to creating a space where PR's (Personal Records) accompany a little R&R (rest & relaxation). A space where we keep your body and mind primed and ready to perform"
In Zen, an ENSO “circular form” is a circle that is hand-drawn in one or two uninhibited brushstrokes to express a moment when the mind is free to let the body create.

You will experience the embodiment of ENSO when you walk through the doors at PRT. The ENSO symbolizes our philosophy at PRT and represents many things:
Circle of Life
Beauty in Imperfection
We at PRT believe that the highest quality of life is achieved when peak performance meets optimal recovery. For some in our community, performance means excelling as a high-level athlete. For others, performance means going for a long walk every morning or playing with their grandchildren. Regardless of what performance means to you we believe that to live a balanced and optimal life, optimal performance must be paired with equal and adequate recovery.